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Understanding Grief: What Is It and How Does It Affect Us?

Understanding Grief

Grief is a complex and deeply human experience that touches the lives of countless individuals. Yet, truly understanding its essence and impact is crucial for navigating the healing process. In this blog, we will embark on a journey of understanding, exploring the multifaceted nature of grief and its profound effects on our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Let’s delve into the depths of grief, embrace empathy, and find solace amidst the challenging journey of loss.

The essence of grief

The Essence of Grief:

Grief is more than just sadness; it encompasses a spectrum of emotions such as anger, guilt, confusion, and profound sorrow. It is a deeply personal and unique experience that arises from the love and attachment we feel for someone or something we have lost. Acknowledging and accepting the depth and complexity of these emotions is essential for honouring our grief and beginning the healing process.

Emotional impact of grief

The Emotional Impact of Grief:

Grief deeply affects our emotional well-being. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed, lost, and isolated. The intensity and duration of these emotions vary from person to person. It is important to recognise and validate our feelings, allowing ourselves the space to grieve and express our emotions without judgment. Seeking support from loved ones, therapists, or support groups can provide comfort and a sense of connection during this vulnerable time.

The Physical Manifestations of Grief

The Physical Manifestations of Grief:

Grief also manifests in physical ways. It can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and weakened immunity. Understanding these physical manifestations is crucial for self-care. Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and ensuring adequate rest can help restore physical well-being while supporting the healing process.

The Spiritual Dimension of Grief:

The Spiritual Dimension of Grief:

Grief often raises profound questions about life’s meaning and our spiritual beliefs. It can challenge our faith, leaving us searching for answers and grappling with existential concerns. Exploring the spiritual dimension of grief allows us to find solace and meaning in our loss. Engaging in spiritual practices, seeking guidance from religious or spiritual leaders, or finding comfort in nature and mindfulness can provide a sense of connection and renewal during the grieving process.

Memorial Jewellery as a Source of Comfort

Memorial Jewellery as a Source of Comfort:

For many individuals, memorial jewellery serves as a tangible connection to their loved ones. These special pieces can hold a small portion of cremation ashes, a lock of hair, or a personalised engraving. Wearing memorial jewellery allows us to keep our loved ones close to our hearts, providing a sense of comfort and a physical reminder of their presence. It can serve as a personal symbol of love and remembrance, accompanying us on our healing journey.

Conclusion: Understanding grief is a fundamental step towards healing and growth. By recognising the essence of grief and its impact on our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, we can navigate the grieving process with greater empathy, compassion, and self-care. Remember, grief is a deeply personal experience, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Embrace your emotions, seek support, and allow yourself the time and space to heal. Through understanding, self-compassion, and the support of others, you will find solace and renewed hope on your journey toward healing. And if memorial jewellery brings you comfort, consider finding a piece that resonates with you, allowing your loved one’s memory to stay close to your heart as you move forward.

Understanding grief

Coping with Loss: Practical Tips for Navigating the Grieving Process

Coping with loss

Coping with loss is an arduous journey that tests our emotional strength and resilience. However, there are practical strategies that can help us navigate the grieving process and find solace in the face of sorrow. In this blog, we will explore practical tips to cope with loss, providing guidance on how to navigate this challenging path toward healing and renewal.

Allow yourself to grieveAllow Yourself to Grieve:

Grief is a natural and necessary response to loss. Allow yourself to experience the full range of emotions that come with it. Whether it’s sadness, anger, confusion, or guilt, honour your feelings and understand that they are a normal part of the healing process.

Seek Bereavement SupportSeek Support:

Don’t face grief alone. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who can provide a listening ear and empathetic support. Sharing your thoughts and emotions with others who have experienced similar loss can bring comfort and a sense of connection. To encourage this support, whether you’re in need, or have support to offer, you can join our dedicated Bereavement Support Group over on Facebook.

Practise self carePractice Self-Care:

During times of grief, taking care of yourself is paramount. Focus on your physical and emotional well-being by engaging in self-care activities. Get enough rest, eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and engage in activities that bring you joy and peace. Nurturing your own well-being helps build resilience and aids in the healing process.

Express your emotionsExpress Your Emotions:

Finding healthy outlets to express your emotions is crucial. Write in a journal, create art, or talk to a trusted friend or therapist. Give yourself permission to cry, laugh, or scream as needed. By expressing your emotions, you release tension and allow healing to take place.

Create ritualsCreate Rituals:

Develop meaningful rituals to honour your loved one’s memory. Lighting a candle, creating a memory box, or visiting a special place can provide a sense of connection and solace. These rituals can help you maintain a bond with your loved one while embracing their presence in your life.

Seek professional bereavement supportSeek Professional Help:

If you find that your grief becomes overwhelming or starts to interfere with your daily life, seeking professional help is crucial. Grief counsellors or therapists can offer guidance and support tailored to your specific needs. They can provide valuable tools to help you navigate the complex emotions and challenges associated with grief.  You can also read our blog on What’s the difference between Depression & Grief to discover professionals & how they can help you.

Embrace patience & timeEmbrace Patience and Time:

Healing from loss takes time, and the grieving process is unique for each individual. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to grieve at your own pace. Understand that healing is not linear, and there may be ups and downs along the way. Embrace the journey, and trust that with time, you will find moments of peace and acceptance.

Coping with loss is an intensely personal journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and support. By implementing these practical tips and seeking help when needed, you can navigate the grieving process with greater resilience and find healing in due time. Remember, you are not alone in your grief. Reach out, honour your emotions, and allow yourself the space to heal. With time, self-care, and the right support, you will find your own path toward healing and renewed hope.

In addition to the practical tips mentioned above, many individuals find comfort in memorial jewellery as a way to keep their loved one’s memory close. Memorial jewellery, such as lockets, pendants, or bracelets, can hold a small portion of cremation ashes, a lock of hair, or a personalised engraving. Wearing such jewellery serves as a tangible reminder of the person we have lost and can provide a sense of connection and solace. It allows us to carry their presence with us wherever we go, offering a source of comfort during difficult times. Memorial jewellery serves as a personal symbol of love and remembrance, a cherished keepsake that becomes a part of our own healing journey. It can be a powerful tool for navigating the grieving process and finding solace in the enduring bond we share with our loved ones.

Take care of yourself

How To Clean Silver At Home And Remove Tarnishing

How To Clean Sterling Silver Jewellery At Home

Owning and wearing silver jewellery should be a joy, but regular exposure to the elements can make your pieces look dull and dirty. Finding out how to care for your silver can feel intimidating, especially if the pieces are sentimental.

As a family-run business specialising in jewellery, the team at Inscripture understand the importance of restoring pieces to their original shine. This blog post will cover how to clean silver at home and bring the brightness back to your beloved silver pieces or memorial jewellery.

What is tarnishing

What is Tarnishing?

Tarnishing means that silver loses its natural shine through contact with Sulphur. Unfortunately, you can’t avoid exposure to this element, and your silver with inevitably react with Sulphur and become flat and dull over time. Luckily, tarnishing is not permanent, and you can easily clean tarnished silver at home.

Stop Jewellery from tarnishing

Top Tips To Avoid Tarnishing Your Silver Jewellery

What to avoid when cleaning silver at home:

● Don’t put silverware in the dishwasher, as this can make tarnishing worse.
● Don’t clean too often (2-6 times a year is sufficient).
● Don’t use coarse materials (especially metal sponges), which can damage the silver.
● Don’t use abrasive chemicals, such as bleach.

Jewellery care

How to ensure your silver receives the best care:

● Do wear your jewellery often. Natural oils and friction will help your silver shine.
● Do store your silver in a soft, sealed bag and avoid damp conditions.
● Do check for gemstones before cleaning, as you may need to alter the cleaning process to care for the stone.
● Do check with a professional if you are unsure.

How to clean silver jewellery

How to Clean Silver Jewellery

Store-bought polishes are available; however, they should be used sparingly as the strong chemicals in these polishes can damage silver over time. If you choose to use a commercial polish, then follow instructions carefully during use. Luckily you can restore your silver to its former glory by trying the simple technique in this article. Better yet, this method for cleaning tarnished silver uses ingredients usually found in your kitchen cupboard!

You Will Need:

● Aluminium foil
● 1 tablespoon salt
● 1 tablespoon baking powder
● 250ml boiling water
● Glass/plastic bowl
● Soft polishing cloths (such as a microfibre towel or 100% cotton cloth)

Jewellery cleaning guideInstructions:

Step 1 – Line the bowl

Line the glass or plastic bowl with aluminium foil, ensuring it is shiny side up. Avoid using metal bowls or pans, as these could create unwanted chemical reactions with the silver.

Step 2 – Add water

Fill up the bowl with boiling water. If you require more water to cover all the items you wish to clean, ensure to increase the baking powder and salt accordingly.

Step 3 – Add baking powder and salt

Add the baking powder and salt to the water.

Step 4 – Place your pieces in the water

Place the pieces you want to clean into the water. After the water has cooled, you can remove your silverware from the water.

Step 5 – Polish

Polish the silver using a soft cloth, either microfibre or 100% cotton. This will remove any remaining tarnishing that hasn’t come off in the water.

Step 6 – Repeat (if needed)

If there is still a tarnish remaining that you wish to remove, you can repeat the method until you are happy with the results. Otherwise, the process is complete, and your silver is ready to wear!


Learning how to clean tarnished silver should be easy, so this simple method will restore the shine and colour to your pieces. If you need help tackling the task yourself, please seek expert advice. You can contact our friendly Inscripture team or read about how to care for your jewellery for more information on keeping your silver pieces fresh as the day you bought them.

Why Photo Jewellery Is So Special

Do you ever find yourself in a moment you wish to capture forever? To do this, you may keep mementoes or purchase souvenirs, make videos, take photographs, write journals or make art. Wearing personalised jewellery, including photo jewellery, is also a common way people remember events, people or experiences, as these personalised pieces can encapsulate cherished memories. In this article, we will explore the history of photo jewellery and why it is so special.

What is Photo Jewellery?

Photo jewellery was first developed in the Victorian era. After the invention of photography, individuals began incorporating photos of loved ones into pieces such as lockets, brooches, and earrings. As photography was new and less common, these photos held additional meaning, and the jewellery containing them was treasured.

More recently, technology has evolved so that we can create photo jewellery in innovative ways. At Inscripture, we offer a full range of beautiful pieces that can be engraved with sentimental images to make a touching gift for yourself, a friend, or a family member. As a small business that specialises in memorial jewellery, we understand the value of these personalised pieces. We offer a range of photo jewellery, including photo bracelets, photo charms, and personalised photo necklaces.

Why is Photo Jewellery So Special?

Photo jewellery is special for many reasons. Jewellery in itself is an intrinsic part of self-expression, and so incorporating sentimental images is a further way of communicating moments that are important to you.


Creating photo jewellery is a way of representing an individual, moment, or feeling that is personal to you. As well as using images, our range of jewellery offers beautiful designs to express treasured memories. For example, our Angel Wing Photo Necklace has an angel wing charm, symbolising love, peace and protection. Emblems such as this, when combined with sentimental images, ensure you can capture feelings and memories in a meaningful way.


Capturing happy memories is innately human and often comes as a natural response to experiencing something wonderful or unique. Photo jewellery is a beautiful way of remembering emotions or moments that you cherish. If you or someone you know has recently lost a loved one, engraving a piece of jewellery with a meaningful image can be a beautiful act of commemoration. Creating sentimental jewellery can be helpful while processing the 5 Stages of Grief by memorialising the individual who is sadly no longer with us.

Gift Giving

Creating personalised jewellery can be a wonderful form of gift-giving. As well as memorialising loved ones that are no longer with us, photos can also celebrate those we cherish dearly. Images of newborn babies, best friends, and life partners can be engraved onto beautiful pieces of jewellery and make touching gift ideas.


Creating and wearing jewellery is an important way to express feelings or memories. Photo jewellery is an especially powerful way to symbolise a moment or memorialise a loved one. So whether you are looking to create a gift for yourself or someone special to you, then discover our beautiful range of photo jewellery or our memorial gift collection.

Join Our Support Group

If you or someone you know has lost a loved one connecting with others during this time can help with the grieving process. As well as creating personalised memorial gifts, our Inscripture support group on Facebook offers the opportunity to hear how others have endured loss or to share your own experience.

Why We Need To Talk About Baby Loss

Losing a baby is an experience that can leave a lasting impact on the lives of all those affected. Yet, even in 2023, the subject of baby loss and miscarriage is still often enveloped in silence. As a memorial jewellery brand that works with parents who have experienced this unimaginable pain, we believe it is time to break the silence and start talking about baby loss to allow those who are grieving a safe space to talk about their bereavement and find the appropriate support.

All Grief from Baby Loss is Valid

Baby loss can be challenging to bring up to those around you, especially if your close friends and family don’t know you are trying for a baby. If you are attempting to reach out to your support network, remember that your grief is valid and losing a baby at any stage can cause you to experience the five stages of grief.

We also believe it is important to recognise all parties affected by baby loss and acknowledge the less spoken-about forms of baby loss, including loss of the ability to carry a child, caused by various reasons, including premature menopause, or grief due to an adoption falling through.

You are Not Alone

Losing a baby can be a lonely and isolating experience for a considerable number of parents. And it is not uncommon to feel as thorough you are the only one going through this grief.

Sadly baby loss is more common than most people realise. According to the World Health Organisation, an estimated 2.6 million stillbirths occur worldwide yearly. Of course, knowing that other parents are going through the same heartbreak doesn’t make your loss feel lighter. However, it may help to reach out to local or online support groups where others can empathise with your loss and offer mutual support during this time.

Knowing How to Broach the Subject

Despite the prevalence of baby loss, many people hesitate to discuss it. This may be because you could fear no one will understand your grief. Although it is a difficult topic to bring up, you may wish to talk about your loss with family and friends. If you struggle to bring up the subject, some parents choose to wear a piece of memorial jewellery to help them open up the conversation with loved ones. But, of course, there is also the option to speak to bereavement professionals should you not feel ready to talk to your friends and family about your loss.

As a family member or close friend witnessing someone else go through a baby loss, you may fear saying the wrong thing or worry about upsetting the parents. However, without the opportunity to share their grief and process their feelings, parents may be unable to move forward and isolate themselves further from their support network. It’s not your job to put a pretty plaster over their wounds. However, offering a supportive ear allows them to talk about their grief and how it affects them.

Seeking Professional Support

In addition to talking about baby loss, we also believe parents deserve the right to receive the professional support and care they need. This may include counselling, therapy, or access to support groups.

If you would like to find specialised support after a baby loss but aren’t sure where to look, we recommend going to your GP, who can signpost you for counselling or an agency that can offer help.

You can also find a list of general bereavement support services on our website or contact one of the organisations listed on the Sands website under bereavement support after the death of a baby.

The Sands website is also a valuable resource for information on their helpline team for more immediate and safe support. Alternatively, specialised bereavement support services from charities, such as the Lullaby Trust, help anyone affected by the sudden loss of a baby or young child.

Let’s Start The Conversation Today

It’s time we break the silence and start talking about baby loss. By doing so, we can create a culture of support and understanding for those affected and ensure that parents who have experienced baby loss receive the care and compassion they deserve. So let’s start the conversation today.

Why Meaningful Jewellery is The Perfect Gift

Making and gifting jewellery has been a part of our culture for centuries. And meaningful jewellery with a high sentimental value sits right at to top of the list for the best gift ideas. In this blog post, we will explore why jewellery makes a wonderful gift idea for almost any occasion.

Jewellery is Meaningful

Meaningful jewellery is any piece that holds sentimental value (a value that goes beyond its monetary value because of its personal or emotional associations). This could be because the piece was given by a particular person in your life or to represent a momentous occasion, such as a graduation, wedding or promotion. You may even gift personalised jewellery to commemorate a lost loved one or pet.

Popular types of meaningful jewellery include handwriting jewellery or constellation, birth flower or birthstone jewellery (which can consist of their star sign or birthstone or a combination of their birthstone with their partner’s or children’s).

Of course, jewellery is an excellent gift if someone values wearing jewellery, but if your recipient seldom wears necklaces or rings, then gifting them jewellery could be considered somewhat thoughtless. However, there are alternative solutions to personalised gifting. For example, you may give someone a personalised accessory, such as a handwriting keyring or bottle opener, if they aren’t the type of person to wear jewellery or they only wear the same classic pieces daily.

Not Something We Often Buy for Ourselves

Long-lasting jewellery made with precious metals and stones is not something people buy themselves regularly, making quality jewellery the perfect gift for anyone who deserves a top-tier gift this year.

Worn and Appreciated Every Day

How often have you been gifted something that ends up collecting dust in the back of a cupboard? Unfortunately, even the most well-intentioned gifts can end up at the bottom of a drawer and forgotten about if they aren’t in regular use.

However, meaningful jewellery can be worn and appreciated every day. Then every time the recipient looks at their ring or holds their necklace charm, they can remember the loved one who gave them the piece and the sentimental value this has.

Jewellery Lasts for Years

Of course, not all jewellery will stand the test of time. But pieces made with precious metals, including 925 sterling silver, 18ct rose gold, and 18ct yellow gold, will last for decades, if not forever.

Therefore, if your budget allows, giving meaningful jewellery made of materials like solid gold is a fantastic gift as the recipient can treasure their necklace, charm, bracelet etc., for their lifetime and then pass the piece along with its sentimental value to their relatives.


Meaningful jewellery that carries personal emotional value can be the perfect gift for multiple occasions, whether you are gifting the jewellery to celebrate a momentous occasion, to help them remember a lost loved one or pet, or as a simple ‘I love you’ or ‘I appreciate you’ present. Check out our Inscripture online store for more personalised and meaningful jewellery gift ideas for your loved ones.

Is it Possible to Move On After a Loss?

Is it possible to move on after loss

The loss of a loved one, a job, a home, or any other life-changing event can be a difficult and painful experience. It can be hard to imagine ever feeling happy again, or even being able to move on with life. While it is natural to experience pain and suffering after a loss, it is possible to move on in life and find new ways of joy and contentment.

One of the most important steps for moving on is to allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with the loss. Experiencing grief is not a sign of weakness, but it is a necessary part of the process. Grief is a universal emotion, and it is important to recognise and accept it in order to keep healing. It is also important to remember that everyone grieves in their own way, and there is no right or wrong way to do it.

Once you have felt and expressed your grief, you can begin to focus on the future and the opportunities in front of you. Take time to reflect on the lessons you have learned and the strengths that you have developed through the loss. This can help you to gain perspective and start to find hope in the future.

Focusing on activities that bring you joy is another great way to help you move on after a loss. Whether it’s spending time with friends, getting involved with a hobby, or pursuing a new career, taking up activities that bring you pleasure can help to restore some of the joy that may have been lost.

Finally, it is important to remember that you are not alone in your grief. Reach out and connect with supportive friends and family members, or seek professional help if needed. Talking about the loss and expressing your feelings to others can help to ease the pain and provide some level of comfort. We also have a Bereavement Support Group over on Facebook to connect those need a little support or who have support to offer to a fellow griever.

While it can be difficult to imagine ever moving on from a loss, it is possible to find joy and contentment after a devastating event. Taking the time to grieve and express your emotions, finding hope for the future, engaging in activities that bring you pleasure, and connecting with supportive people can all help to move you forward in life.

What Is The Difference Between Depression And Grief

What is the difference between depression and grief - Inscripture

Depression and grief are both emotional states of sadness and can often be confused with one another. However, while they are related, they are not the same thing. Understanding the difference between the two can help you better understand and manage your feelings.

Grief is a natural response to loss. It is a multifaceted emotion that can range from deep sadness to anger and guilt. It can also manifest in physical symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and headaches. Grief is often associated with death and can last for months or even years. It is a normal and necessary part of the healing process.

Depression is a mood disorder characterised by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. It often includes a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. Symptoms of depression can be physical, emotional, or behavioural. People suffering from depression may feel constantly exhausted, experience difficulty sleeping, or have difficulty concentrating. They may also feel disconnected from their loved ones, have difficulty making decisions, or experience suicidal thoughts.

The main difference between depression and grief is that depression is an illness that can last for months or even years and can significantly affect a person’s life. Grief is a normal emotional response to a major life event or loss and usually passes over time.

It is important to recognise the difference between depression and grief as this can help guide how you manage your emotions. If you are struggling with grief, it is important to seek support from family and friends, seek professional counselling, and participate in healthy coping strategies. If you are struggling with depression, it is important to seek professional help and make lifestyle changes that can help you cope with your feelings.

Depression and grief can be difficult to manage alone, but understanding the difference between the two can make it easier to identify and manage your feelings. If you are struggling to manage your emotions, it is important to reach out for help.

There are several services that offer support and assistance for individuals dealing with depression and grief. Here are three reputable organisations that provide help:

Mind CharityMind: Mind isa prominent mental health charity in the UK that offers a wide range of services and resources for those experiencing depression and grief. They provide information, advice, and support through their helpline, local branches, and online resources. Mind also offers counselling services and advocacy for individuals seeking assistance with their mental health.

Sue Ryder - InscriptureSue Ryder: Sue Ryder offers support and care for individuals facing depression and grief. Sue Ryder provides a wide range of services, including palliative care, bereavement support, and counselling. They have specialist centres and community-based services across the country, offering personalised care and assistance to individuals and their families during difficult times. Sue Ryder’s compassionate approach aims to provide comfort, understanding, and guidance to those experiencing grief or struggling with depression. Whether it’s through their hospices, online resources, or community support, Sue Ryder is dedicated to helping individuals navigate their emotional journeys and find solace in challenging times.

Cruse Bereavement Charity - InscriptureCruse Bereavement Care: Cruse Bereavement Care is a national charity dedicated to providing support for individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one. They offer free counselling, advice, and information to help people cope with their grief. Cruse Bereavement Care has a helpline and local branches across the UK staffed by trained volunteers who provide compassionate support.

Samaritans - InscriptureSamaritans: Samaritans is a renowned charity that provides emotional support to individuals in distress, including those dealing with depression and grief. They offer a 24/7 helpline, as well as email and text support services. Samaritans volunteers are trained to provide a listening ear and offer non-judgmental support to anyone in need.

Depression & Grief Support - Inscripture

These organisations are dedicated to providing help and support to individuals experiencing depression and grief in the UK. Their services can assist you in navigating through challenging times, providing valuable resources, counselling, and a compassionate ear to listen. Remember, reaching out for help is a courageous step towards healing and well-being.

Why Fingerprint Jewellery Makes The Perfect Gift For New Mums

Why Fingerprint Jewellery Makes The Perfect Gift For New Mums - InscriptureWhen buying a gift for a new mum, you’ll likely want to find something unique that will last for years to come. Personalised jewellery made of precious metals is one option for the perfect keepsake they can treasure for life. At Inscripture, we make 100s of personalised jewellery pieces for countless occasions, and fingerprint jewellery is one of our top choices for a gift for new mums.

What is fingerprint jewellery - Inscripture

What is Fingerprint Jewellery?

Fingerprint jewellery is one of our specialities at Inscripture! Simply print the fingerprint at home with a pencil or inkless kit and send it to our team. Then we will capture your loved one’s exact fingerprint pattern and engrave it onto a piece from our fingerprint jewellery collection. We use advanced laser technology to carve each unique fingerprint into the metal before polishing the item so you can wear it daily.

Fingerprint Jewellery - InscripturePopular Types of Fingerprint Jewellery:

Fingerprint bracelets
Fingerprint charms
Fingerprint necklaces 

Why fingerprint jewellery makes a great gift - Inscripture

Why Fingerprint Jewellery Makes a Great Gift?

As you can take a baby’s fingerprint at any age, fingerprint jewellery is a great gift for a push present shortly after birth, for their first Mother’s Day, or on their child’s Christening day. Fingerprint jewellery allows new mums to keep a piece of their baby with them at all times and immortalise the early moments of their newborn’s life.

Personalised fingerprint jewellery made using the most accurate engraving technology is a great gift to help celebrate the birth of a new mum’s firstborn child. It can also be a permanent reminder that you believe they are the best parent for this beautiful baby.

Many new mums often struggle to leave their babies after spending so many weeks or months caring for them on maternity leave, so fingerprint jewellery is a lovely way for them to keep a piece of their child on their person while they make the difficult transition back to work.

On our website you can also choose the metal colour the new mum wears most frequently. So, for example, if your friend, spouse or sister often wears yellow gold jewellery, you can find a selection of gold fingerprint jewellery to compliment the items they already wear and enhance their jewellery collection.

Plus, depending on the jewellery item you choose for them, you can add extra charms at a later date for their fingerprints, the grandparents’ fingerprints or any future kids’ fingerprints (if they plan to have any more children).

How to Take Fingerprints at Home

Like any bespoke piece from Inscripture, you need to send us a copy of your baby’s or loved one’s fingerprint(s) for us to engrave it onto your chosen piece. You can collect the fingerprints with a pencil and plain paper or using an inkless print kit. Then we can get to work creating the unique gift for yourself or a sister, cousin or friend who has just become a new mum.

More helpful articles on how to gently print a baby’s fingerprints at home:   

How to take pencil fingerprints 

How To Use An Inkless Print Kit - Inscripture

How to use an inkless print kit – order your Inkless Print Kit here


A fingerprint necklace, bracelet or other jewellery item is a lovely gift for a new mum to preserve their cherished memories with their new infant. Luckily, taking fingerprints at home is easy, and the gift can often be a wonderful surprise for the new mum.

What Is Memorial Jewellery?

What is Memorial Jewellery - Inscripture

Memorial jewellery is designed to help people remember and honour their loved ones who have passed away. It’s a unique and deeply personal way to keep the memory of a family member, friend or pet with you always. New technologies also mean you can customise jewellery to feature a photo or personalised engraving of the loved one.

As the leading and first handwriting specialist in the UK, the Inscripture team have put together this post about memorial jewellery, its history and the types. Wearing memorial jewellery is just one way to commemorate a lost loved one.

History of Memorial Jewellery - Inscripture

History of Memorial Jewellery

The history of memorial jewellery dates back centuries to the Victorian era when jewellery makers made mourning jewellery from materials such as jet, onyx and glass, featuring images of the deceased or locks of their hair.

In the 21st century, memorial jewellery has evolved and now includes a range of styles and materials, making it more accessible and acting as a positive reminder of the happy memories shared between two loved ones.

Sometimes it is also called remembrance jewellery, cremation jewellery or mourning jewellery.

Why Choose Memorial Jewellery - Inscripture

Why Memorial Jewellery?

Memorial jewellery can serve many purposes. It can help people cope with losing a loved one or pet, providing a tangible reminder of their memory. It can also be worn as a source of comfort, allowing people to feel close to and supported by their loved ones. Some people may also choose to wear memory jewellery as a way to help them talk about their grief to others.

Popular Memorial Jewellery - Inscripture

Popular Forms of Memorial Jewellery

Ashes Jewellery - Inscripture

Ashes Jewellery – contains a small amount of the loved one’s ashes. These pieces can be worn as part of pendants or bracelets, allowing the wearer to keep their loved one close to their heart.

Handwriting Jewellery - Inscripture

Handwriting Jewellery – engraved following the exact handwriting of a lost loved one copied from old letters or signatures.

Fingerprint Jewellery - Inscripture

Fingerprint Jewellery – created by taking an impression of the loved one’s fingerprint and transferring it onto a piece of jewellery.

Paw & Nose Print Jewellery - Inscripture

Paw and Nose Print Jewellery – pet loss is a hugely under-spoken form of loss. Therefore, we have designed pet memorial jewellery for engraving your pet’s paw print, a photo or their name into a piece of memorial jewellery.

Discover our memorial jewellery category for more ideas!

All of the above are available in necklaces, charm beads, bracelets, and rings.

What is Memorial Jewellery - Inscripture

Metal and Materials

Inscripture pieces are available in sterling silver, rose gold, white gold or yellow gold to suit your style or loved one’s preferences. Each item in the store has a drop-down menu to allow you to choose your preferred metal.

In addition, some of our memorial jewellery is made using coloured resin to allow the ashes to suspended within the resin, which creates a beautiful precious stone-like appearance that can be worn on any occasion to allow you to hold the memories of your loved one close to you at all times.

What is Memorial Jewellery - Inscripture

Personalising Your Memorial Jewellery

Memory jewellery is a personal dedication to a lost loved one. Whether it’s a simple heart pendant or an engraved piece made from your most cherished photo together, memorial jewellery can help some people cope with the loss of a pet or someone close to them, giving them a keepsake to wear and keep their memory alive.

Inscripture are the UK’s first & leading handwriting engraving specialists, offering the largest range of memorial jewellery in the UK. We have also won awards for our jewellery, so your loved one’s ashes, letters, prints and precious photos are in safe hands with our team. We will do everything possible to help you preserve your memories and honour your loved one through jewellery. We have a large selection of jewellery and gifts on our website, so please take your time choosing a piece that resonates with you.

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